Using to create classrooms and assign lessons can both save you time and keep your students engaged in their learning.
Assign lessons to students
1. Search for a lesson you'd like to send your students and click the Teacher tab. Enter your students' email addresses or load a classroom (instructions below!).
Tip: Be sure to watch or read through the full lesson to make sure it is the appropriate coverage and level for your students.
You can also send full chapters to your students to help them review larger amounts of material. Once you choose a chapter, click on the Teacher tab to share the chapter.
2. You can share the assignment with a Classroom or your Google Classroom.
3. Fill out the Subject, Message, and Due Date fields with all necessary details.
3. Click ‘Send Assignment’ once you’re ready. Your students will receive emails with the assignment.
4. Keep track of your assignments by going to your dashboard and clicking on Classrooms under the Teacher Tools tab. Select the class you want to view, then choose Assignments. You can download reports on lesson viewing and quiz scores for all the students you sent the lesson to.